It's going to be an eventful Sunday (similar to those ones back in 2008/2009) when Washington is busy cooking something to deal with nation and world economies from plunging into a "cliff". Finally on last day, politicians would wake up and come up with some deal to avoid "fiscal cliff" and declare it as victory that they saved 98-99% of people from dreadful tax increases. When it comes to politicians, it always have to come to last day to make a deal. Maybe that's art of politics! Most likely Sunday on prime time TV, all 5 "leaders" would come on TV and announce that they have a deal to avoid tax-increases by 99% of Americans and would work together for larger deal on debt reduction and so on. World markets would cheer with DOW jumping up more than 200 points on Monday and everyone would welcome 2013 with late night parties!
Since 2013 is almost here, here are my new year recommendations. Caveat: Please invest only after doing your own analysis since each of these involve significant risks.
BAC ($10), KBH ($15), MTG ($2.50), MBI ($7.50), ITB ($20), CRUS ($25), NOK($3.60), SD ($6), BBY ($11), SAN ($7.70), VVUS ($12), PAY($27), NCT ($8)
The list covers my favorite sectors - housing, banking, insurance, technology and pharma
The year 2012 ended with two bad incidents on two countries I love. In America, Newtown tragedy happened and in India, Delhi tragedy with a young woman happened. These two tragedies moved these two nations and their citizens to wake up and demand action from their governments to enact new laws to protect innocent kids and women. Hopefully new year would bring strong action from politicians in Washington and Delhi on gun-laws and rape incidents and prevent these gruesome acts in years to come.
Wish you all happy, safe, prosperous and healthy New Year!