Even though I was 99% sure that President Obama is going to win his re-election bid, I eagerly watched election night results till late night just to make sure that it did happen. History was made again on Nov 6, 2012 when America re-elected Mr Obama as her 45th President. This proved that 2008 was not a fluke and America is indeed ready for non-white-male President. Hats off to American People for making it happen!
Now it's President Obama's turn to prove that 2008 was not a fluke and match his words with his actions. I was once more moved by his victory speech on election night and looking forward to his actions to match his speeches in next 4 years. Here are top priorities I would like him to focus and lead.
Now it's President Obama's turn to prove that 2008 was not a fluke and match his words with his actions. I was once more moved by his victory speech on election night and looking forward to his actions to match his speeches in next 4 years. Here are top priorities I would like him to focus and lead.
- Economy, Economy and Economy (you can also read as Jobs, Jobs, Jobs)
- Health-care for all (implementation of Obama-care without breaking the bank for country as well as businesses)
- Get America out of all wars (and don't start new ones)
- Education (make college education affordable for all)
- Energy Independence (utilize all energy sources - fossil and green)
- Immigration Reforms - all types of immigrants have supported you and have very high hopes from you
- Foreign Policy - Address Israel/Palestinian, Iran/Syria/N.Korea issues
Its absolutely packed agenda for next 4 years and all of these need to be done by working with very partisan house which is still controlled by republicans. If you could lead from front on all these aspects and make significant progress, history would judge you in same light as Great American Presidents in recent times like FDR and Reagan!
Mr President - its time to Lead!