Finally I got my MINI Cooper S - check out my new car and sold my beloved Toyota Camry which I used for 12 years without any major problems.
We had fun ride to Livermore Temple and now I can drive it on regular basis.
Next week seems to be exciting week for markets - my prediction is that finally DOW would cross and close about 11000 tomorrow and S&P would cross 1200 sometime this week.
Now that Europe has come to terms and helped set up emergency fund of $40B for Greece, markets should be assured that Greece won't default and Euro is here to stay. This is big positive for markets.
Earnings should be very good with Alcoa announcing tomorrow and major banks in next 4 days. Last year was the season of write-downs - I won't be surprised if banks start announcing "write-ups" (if there is term like that). This should not only help reduce banks losses but also help improve their capital positions. Most of the big banks (BAC, C, JPM, GS) and their regional brothers (RF, KEY, FITB) would do pretty good. In fact their smaller and more problematic cousins (SNV, CBC) would also start reporting improved conditions.
So if you have invested in my last recommended 4 sectors - financials, real estate, energy and insurance, my recommendation would be stay put and enjoy the ride above 11000 for DOW.
Have a great week investing !