As part of our M&A class for MBA, we did project on Yahoo and Microsoft merger. Since this game is entering final innings this weekend and our class is over, here are the highlights:
- Initial offer: $31
- Recommended deal price: $34
- Walk-away price ("not a dime above" price): $36
- No other serious contender
- Deal will be completed
For complete details of in-depth analysis, check it out at:
Microsoft Yahoo Merger Analysis
Let's see how close is our analysis - we will know on Monday
Have a good weekend!
got loads of SPY puts in addition, come to early.
largest indv. holdings are WM direct short and WM 12 june puts followed by COF and WB shorts and puts
holding my breath on the 141-142 bear spread. Hopefully Friday will prove to be a gift from the Bear god's as $vix was low and long term putskis were cheap. We shall see though.
Oh yea i picked up some skf but I am losing all gains on the COFster and am nearly out of powder so who knows I might just get slaughtered
Anywhoo looks as though My man Balmer said the big FU to Yang
Yang then said"...With the distraction of Microsoft's unsolicited proposal now behind us, we will be able to focus all of our energies on executing the most important transition in our history so that we can maximize our potential to the benefit of our shareholders, employees, partners and users.”
LMFAO... a near double in yhoo PPS must have been quite a distraction, Well let the lawsuits begin. I notice you never respond to my comments, Is it that you dont enjoy reading my dribble or what.
Look my general thesis as to why this will be a pretty bad recession is that the consumer (70% of GDP) is getting squeezed from every concievable angle
housing, food and energy costs, inflation and soon job losses... perhaps exports can keep us afloat for some time but that is not really the way our economy is structured
it is just not sustainable... however that doesn't mean we wont see nut squeezing bear market rallies... I always find solice in looking at SPY charts from 00-03.
Anyway wouldn't mind having a discussion with a bull if you are willing... After this super duper financial rally I have focused on a bit less Fundamental based trading and have started to incorporate some Technical aspects as well to hopefully hedge off my exposure to major squeezes
I apologize to you if i was a bit harsh