As holiday shopping season is upon us, millions of people would be shopping for gifts for their loved ones and for themselves. One week from now, Americans would have finished their Thanksgiving dinners and shopped till drop during "Black Friday" followed by "Cyber Monday" and "Terrific Tuesday" and "Wonderful Wednesdays" and so on. Retailers can be quite creative in coining the terms as we had seen with "Singles Day (11/11)" in China and "Prime Day (7/11) by Amazon". Thanks to Expanding Amazon Jungle , retail landscape is changing dramatically. In last 12 months, Amazon stock is up by 50% while combined market cap of key retailers (Target, Macy's and others) have gone down by 40%. Market is sending clear signals who is winning retail wars. And then there is Walmart. Last week Walmart published it's quarterly results and surprised everyone with kind of progress it had made. So what does it has to do with "Rumble ...
Commentary about markets and investment ideas and some random thoughts!