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Showing posts from January, 2013

SuperBowl: Harbaugh Bowl?

This weekend is best of NFL sports when two teams who would be playing Superbowl in two weeks would be decided. This time, 4 best teams have come to championship games - each one of them could be Superbowl winner. Last Saturday was great Saturday for Harbaugh brothers whose teams (Jim Harbaugh - 49ers and John Harbaugh - Baltimore Ravens) won their places against tough teams. Question is - would this year's Superbowl be Harbaugh Bowl. There is real chance that this could happen (if luck plays some role in helping both these teams). Current favorites for Superbowl matchup is between SanFranciso 49ers and New England Patriots. But if luck plays some role, Baltimore Ravens could sneak up a victory similar to what they did against Denver Broncos last week. I am rooting for Colin Kapernick's 49ers to win tomorrow against Falcons and then eventually Superbowl. And given 80% co-relation between stock market returns and Superbowl win by original AFL team, any team except Patriots win...

Cliff-fight: Obama:1 Republicans:0

It was an interesting week when we saw lots of turns and twists in "fiscal cliff" saga. In the end, one aspect of "cliff" mess was resolved with tax increases on rich and super-rich whereby middle class and upper middle class were spared with tax-increases which they would have been hit otherwise. Stock Markets were happy with best new year day gains on DOW. But all of this may be short-lived since there are more "cliff" fights are coming. This round was clearly won by President Obama with clever negotiations tactics which lasted till last minute (by design). Republicans got played in this and came way short and had no option but to sign off which was essentially what President wanted all along. And worse part was that they got no brownie points at all even though they won on extending tax-cuts permanently for 99% of Americans - one of their major policy victory. Well done President Obama in first round. Now there are at least 2-3 more rounds remaining ...