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Showing posts from December, 2005

Predictions 2006

Since this is first time I am writing blog on a new year eve and I am kind of fond of predicting some of the stock actions, I thought let me put it in writing so I can evaluate if they were on target or not. Some of these may be obvious but nonetheless let me put them in writing. I am willing to take bets (Bhandi - are you up for it:-) Top 5 stock predictions: Google: Google hitting $ 500 (pre-split)in next 6 months (before 7/1/06), gets included in S&P and gets split PALM: Will hit $ 40 by year-end Apple: Will split 2:1 and hit $ 42 after split ($ 84 before split) EBAY: Will cross $ 50 in next 9 months (before 10/1/06) Click Commerce (CKCM): An RFID vendor will cross $ 30 (currently at $ 21) Mutual Funds: - Japan and Korea based mutual funds continue to do well. Watch out for Profunds Ultra Japan and fidelity Korea funds - Health care industry would continue to return decent returns Indian stocks: - BSE index will cross 10500 by year end - Aptech will touch 200 in one year (curre...