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Showing posts from November, 2021

Retail Renaissance!

Next week starts the biggest shopping season of the year in US with Black Friday. Millions of people would be heading to malls to spend on holiday gifts. And given that people were stuck at home for last year with only option of online shopping, this year they want to go in malls in person and enjoy the shopping. That brings me to my blog topic - is this the Retail Renaissance? ( The Renaissance was a fervent period  of European cultural, artistic, political and economic “rebirth”  following the Middle Ages) During depths of COVID pandemic, most of the in-person retail (except for essentials) was closed for multiple weeks. Holiday shopping of 2020 was mostly online. Since people were scared to go out.  Online giants like Amazon did a wonderful job in delivering everything from essentials to holiday gifts. No wonder stocks of traditional retail companies were trading as if they are going out of business. Retail was facing double whammy - short term pain of Pandemic and lon...

Who ate my donut?

Kids are known to blame their dogs for eating their homework! Looking at one of the photo forwarded by a friend, I can blame supply chain for "Who ate my Donut?" The Supply Chain issues are seen everywhere - from corporate earnings to weird economics of used cars selling more than they were bought for. Supply chain issues are mentioned in every earning call multiple times - even by companies which are supposed to be all digital. The ports are backlogged with ships lined up for miles to get unloaded. What happened in the world priding itself "just-in-time" and efficient, all connected flat world. Pandemic threw a wrench in this supposedly well-oiled supply chain engine.  When Pandemic hit in early 2020 across the world, after initial spurt of demand in consumables (remember toilet paper shortage?) demand for travel, autos etc vanished overnight including labor.  No wonder crude price went negative briefly. Governments pumped up trillions of $$ to keep their economies...