Early Aug of 1720, stock price of South Sea company reached 1000 pounds (from 100 pounds at start of year). The year was marked with many companies with lunatic, dubious and fraudulent business plans were formed and their stock prices increased many-fold. One company's plan was " For carrying-on an undertaking of great advantage but no-one to know what it is”...sounds very similar to 2020's SPAC IPOs which are coming to market. By 1720 year end, many of these companies stock were worthless. Even South Sea stock returned to gravity and ended year with price close to 100 pounds. Many aristocrats, parliamentarians and even King George I lost money. Talking about gravity, even Newton could not resist the temptation of quick money and invested in the South Sea company and lost significant amount of his fortune. So why is this relevant today? First of all, its 300 year anniversary of that historic bubble! Second, humans don't change/learn even after multiple...
Commentary about markets and investment ideas and some random thoughts!