First of all, Happy Diwali - Festival of Lights to all my readers. Its' climax of series of Indian Festivals which start at end of summer and is considered biggest Indian festival. It's 5 day festival which also marks start of new Hindu calendar year! On eve of such festival which celebrates Lakshmi (Goddess of Wealth), S&P is within inches of reaching all time high. I am sure it will reach new highs next week on its way to 3100 as seasonal Santa Rally gets underway. So what changed in supposed scary October month? As in Halloween, markets have been playing "tricks" on investors with scare of upcoming recession but at same time "treating" patient investors for just staying invested. 2019 is turning out to be one of best year of returns with S&P returning over 20%. It does not feel that way due to recent drubbing software/cloud stocks took. That brings me to today's topic of Chips & Clouds! Chips: You can read this blog eating Chips and S...
Commentary about markets and investment ideas and some random thoughts!