March madness continued for all of March with so many upsets in NCAA "March Madness" in which 100% of brackets got busted by end of 2nd round. Loyola Chicago's dream run (with inspiration from 98 year old nun) ended just before Easter Sunday. It came down to Villanova vs Michigan. If I have to bet, Villanova would win NCAA Men's Basketball championship tomorrow. White House Madness continued with few more resignations. People are getting used to White House version of Apprentice! However most surprising and dis-appointing news came out of Silicon Valley. The companies we got used to trusting with our photos, likes and shares had been taking our privacy too lightly and had major leaks across the board. Most significant revelation came from a whistle blower that Cambridge Analytica had account details of 50 million Facebook accounts and they used these details to influence outcomes of Brexit as well US presidential elections. Basically they stole privacy of 50 million...
Commentary about markets and investment ideas and some random thoughts!