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Showing posts from September, 2017

Savings: How much is needed?

I am not expert on retirement planning and have many years to go before readers of this blog would need to worry about "withdrawal" rate. However it's never too early to plan. Thanks to one of the friend, I came across few articles on "withdrawal" rate and how much one needs to save to maintain decent living standards. Here are few assumptions to make: "Safe or risk-free" rate of return is about 3% (equivalent of coupon on 30 year US treasury) Protect "principal" as many years as possible Mortgage is paid off College expenses are over (and kids have settled down) No major health care expenses With these assumptions, one could assume that $100K per year income is sufficient to live in areas like Bay Area (which is one of the costliest but most cosmopolitan areas to live in USA).  Assuming about $25K in social security benefits, one would need to create $75K per year in additional income from retirement savings. That would mean one ...

Crypto-currencies: Fad, Fraud or Frontier?

As of last count there are more than 800 crypto-currencies and more are coming every few days. And unless you are hiding on another planet, you must have heard about BitCoin. Since then there are other "credible" (if you can call any of these) alternatives like Ethereum, LightCoin, Dash have come. Most of these are based on underlying technology called blockchain  While the blockchain technology has tremendous potential and could at some point match buzz created by cloud, AI, VR, BigData, currently it is "(in)famous" for it's main application of digital currencies . So let's discuss if these crypto-currencies are Fad (aka bubble), Fraud (like Ponzi scheme) or New Frontier of Investing (like dot-com companies including Amazon in late 90s). Let's understand basics of "money" or " currency ". Why do humans need "currency"? Currencies serve multiple purposes like: Medium of exchange (makes bartering much easier and frictio...

Preparing for "taxing" Times!

One would wonder why am I writing about taxes right now when there are more than 3 months left for year-end and another 7 months before tax-filing deadline. But that's the whole point. There is still some time left in 2017 to take advantage of some interesting tools available. In my previous blog  After-tax 401K to Roth IRA  I had written about how one could maximize savings in 401K by making after-tax contributions and how these after-tax contributions could be converted into ROTH IRA. Many folks call this as "back-door" mechanism to contribute to ROTH IRA (even though it is completely legal unless tax-reforms in discussions closes this backdoor). Good news is that overall limit has been increasing over last couple of years as evident from following table. This means one could contribute upto $54K (or $60K if you are over 50) to 401K. After full contributions of $18K and your employer's match, it would still give you an opportunity to contribute 25K or so for after...