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Showing posts from January, 2012

Turnaround Candidates: 75% Club

Jan month of 2012 is almost over and to stock investors, this month is turning out to be a pretty good month. This also means that 2012 overall would be a good year to be in stocks (as per statistics over decades). The markets are becoming more and more "stock pickers" markets. Forget about index investing in 2012. It's all about picking up right trends and stocks. Keeping that in mind, here is one idea of screening potential picks. I called it as "75% Club". The criteria is simple: Identify stocks which are down by at least 75% in last 12 months (52 week high/low should be 4:1) Research why stock is down by 75%. There can be multiple reasons for stock to go down by that much -  fears of bankruptcy (EK), change in business conditions or competition (SHLD, solar sector), stupid mistakes by management (NFLX), regulatory environment (BAC), macro-economic conditions like housing downtrend (MTG) Find out if companies identified are going to run out of money and h...

Time to sell and take a break!

Markets have been on tear for first 3 weeks of 2012. I decided to create a mock portfolio based on recommendations from my first post of 2012 by mock buying these picks in first 2 weeks at or below the prices mentioned. This portfolio is up by nearly 11% assuming all picks have equal amount of investment. Highest returns are BAC with 25% and then STX with 23%. So with yearly target of above 10% returns achieved in 3 weeks what should one do? All indexes are heading towards highs of 2011 which were reached in May and July before European mess pulled the indexes down for a flat year. European mess is no where near resolution (see debt negotiations between Greece and bondholders). These worries are again going to come to front lines in Feb/Mar. So at this time best course of action to take some gains off the table by selling some of the winners and keeping some dry powder. There would be quite a few buying opportunities when DOW would go below 12000 sometime in next 3...