Finally six worst months in recent market history are over.With various cross-winds, markets and pundits are not sure where markets are headed in next 3 and 6 months and whether this year would end in positive or negative column. So let me throw in what I Think: Markets are facing following headwinds: Oil price near $150 and possibly going as high as $170. In general commodities reaching all time highs Housing markets still in slump Credit crisis far from over with some more large write-downs coming and potential repeat of Bear Sterns type collapse Inflation reaching well beyond comfort level of common man as well as central bankers Geo-political uncertainties as well as elections on key countries like USA, India While these headwinds are pretty strong, there are some important factors which may play in favor of markets (tailwinds:-) Markets are already down by close to 20% and there are trillions of $$ on sidelines waiting. Very soon value investors would jump in and provide markets a...
Commentary about markets and investment ideas and some random thoughts!