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Showing posts from January, 2006

Internet II: Video and Voice

I am not sure if I am qualified to write what title suggests but let me wtite few lines anyway. Reading the annoucements coming out of CES at Las Vegas and reactions various internet companies were getting from Stock Market, it was almost feeling like 2000. Google going up by 20 bucks, EBAY and Yahoo making their own movements. So what are the main significant annoceuments and how it may change the landscape: 1) Skype going everywhere: This is one of the most significant development happening. I did not think it would happen so quickly. Now you can get a skype-enabled phone which you can use in wi-fi hotspots to make free calls. So technically when cities like SFO becomes wi-fi cities, you don't need regula phones at all ! This is far fetched but still reality is very close. In my opinion, all telcos need to watch out this fast changing development very carefully and move aggresively to play a role in that. EBAY made a very smart move by getting Skype even though it was completely ...

Sample Portfolio :2006

As continuation of my predictions for 2006, I thought let me create a sample tracking portfolio with timeline of 1 year and see how it performs. Since I do not have spare $50K to invest, best way to test my analysis of some of these stocks is to actual create paper portfolio and track it for its performance. I created this on Jan 3 morning so I assumed Dec 30 closing prices for buy. Symbol Shares Price Comm Amount Notes RIGL 200 8.10 10.00 1,630.00 Fallen Pharma company SIFY 500 10.76 10.00 5,390.00 India + Internet, what else you need ? PALM 200 31.75 10.00 6,360.00 Treo700 + RIMM woes EBAY 200 43.43 10.00 8,696.00 Auction growth + Skype CKCM 500 21.00 10.00 10,510.00 RFID play BBI 1,000 3.75 10.00 3,760.00 This is not going BK so it would recover ELN 1,000 13.90 10.00 13,910.00 Tyasbari returning to market in Apr06 Total paper money invested: $ 50256 My target for this paper portfolio is to return 15%. Let's see how it does in 2006 ! /Shyam